It’s August and fall will be here before we know it. We start feeling the pressure of the upcoming holidays and if you’re like me – you start stressing about what to buy that elderly person in your life who needs very little and already has all of those things.
I usually end up giving up on that “perfect gift” for my grandmother and grandfather, because I just can’t find anything that makes me feel like this is a truly awesome gift and end up getting them some less than exciting socks or crossword puzzle books. How boring.
So, for you and for me, I have done some research early. I will list below a range of gifts at various price points that might make your elderly person believe in Sanat again!
- Skylight Digital Frame – This is a doozy of a gift! At $159, it is a bit pricey, but it does keep on giving. Once you set it up with its own email address and a connection to wifi, you can send pictures to this delightful frame anytime you want. How exciting for a senior to see new pictures of their beloved grandkids just appear like magic in this cool frame!
- Heated Wrap – I have found that seniors hate the cold. I bought one of these each for my grandmother and grandfather a few years ago and they still talk about it. Imagine it’s January, snowing, brrrr. Then you wrap up in a heated wrap – the ultimate cozy. Ahhhh.
- Wheeled Caddy – These can come in all sorts of configurations, but all of them help those independent seniors carry in groceries, carry out trash, carry laundry, carry anything too heavy or numerous or difficult! This particular version would be perfect if your elderly person has stairs to get up and down with, but if stairs aren’t an issue, a full-on wagon would be great as well!
- A Senior Dog or Cat – For a senior citizen, a puppy or kitten wouldn’t be fair for either party. The senior would begin stressing about what happens to their pet if something happens to them – and the animal deserves a forever home from the start. But, a senior cat or dog would be a perfect option. They are difficult to adopt out from the shelters, but are most often house trained and totally chill. They just want a couch to relax on and the occasional snack. They can provide company and purpose for any elderly person and both of them can age gracefully and full of love for each other, together.
- An AARP Membership – It’s cheap and the discounts alone pay for it. You also get a bimonthly magazine and other perks that your senior would really appreciate.
- Biometric Safe – These come in a variety of sizes and price ranges. They can hold important documents, medications that should be locked up, cash, and jewelry. If your senior has a lot of people in and out of their house, keeping the things they don’t want to lose in a safe can prevent a lot of hurt feelings, stress, and arguments. Your senior can open the safe with their fingerprint, and you can hold the key.
I think I know what I’m getting my grandparents now for Christmas – I hope this list helps you with your shopping as well. As always, if you need help caring for your elderly loved one, give us a call and we would be happy to help.